You are probably worried of the harmful effects that oxidation as well as corrosion can cause to the body of your car. If your car is already more than seven years old and has not gone through any maintenance, then you should be worried. Remember that regardless of the type of car that you have and no matter how expensive it might be, they will not be able to withstand the moisture, dirt and grime, as well as the changing weather conditions.
As time goes by, your car could get dirty and rust will also eventually develop. It is for this reason why a lot of car owners nowadays would consider rustproofing their cars.
Over the last few years, a lot of things have changed in the way people would rustproof cars. If you feel that it is about time that you rustproof your most precious vehicle, you have to remember that the process could take longer than the usual. Therefore, you have to be ready to spend quite a great amount of time for it and if you prefer to do this process on your own, be ready to get down and dirty.
Purchase a Rustproofing Kit
First of all, you need to invest on a rustproofing kit. There are DIY rustproofing kits that are made specifically for a certain model, make, brand and size of the vehicle. It is important that you purchase the right package in order to ensure that you will be able to rustproof your car in the right way.
The kits contain several different products that are needed for the rustproofing process. Among these are the under-body wax, rust converter spray, cavity wax, plastic blanking plugs and other things. The kits also come with instruction materials that can serve as your guide during the entire process of rustproofing your car.
It is best to work in a covered area. You can do it inside your garage or port. This is to keep the car away from the sun, dirt and wind.
Remove any Rust before Rustproofing your Car
Therefore, before you start with the project, you need to first make a thorough inspection of your car. Check out for areas that may have rusts in them so you can get them repaired first. You may want to roll under the car through a creeper, unless you have access to a car lift. After you have done the necessary inspections and you feel that your car is free from rust and any defects, then it’s time to get started.
Rustproofing your Car
You can refer to the instructions that come with the DIY kit when it comes to rustproofing your car. It is in fact recommended that you read the instructions carefully and study it well before you go on with the process.
Also, you have to figure out ahead which of the areas in your car you want to focus on. As soon as you have determined these areas, coat them with the rust inhibitor. Then, allow the surface to dry before you add small fresh layers of the product again. You may also apply some touch up paints in order to cover up those areas that are fully exposed and are easily prone to rust.
Make sure to apply the paint in a really thin layer then allow each one of the paint to dry out completely before you go on to put a new coat. When you are done, apply the rustproofing waxes with the use of the spray gun that comes on the DIY rustproofing kit that you purchased. Then do some final inspections to make sure that you have done the job just right.
You might feel that the process of rustproofing your car is just an easy task. But you have to remember that this will also depend on the size of your car. You do not need to finish the entire job for a day if you feel that your time is not enough. Do not be in such a hurry or you might just have to do it all over again. Also when in doubt, contact a car body shop in order to get it done professionally.