The cost of fuel rises every now and then. This calls for ways to save on the gas and thus saving on money. There are some proven ways to save on gas while driving. This will reduce the frustration of having to cough out a lot of money on buying gas. High gas prices really…
Simple Car Maintenance Tips
There are quite a few vehicle maintenance basics that are simple and help keep your vehicle in the best shape possible. Maintenance is also the easiest way to not only keep your vehicle running better longer, but prevent expensive repairs as well. The following are five simple car maintenance tips that you can do: Check…
How does Paintless Dent removal work?
Paintless dent removal or paintless dent repair, are techniques used to remove minor dents and dings from a vehicle’s exterior, without having to do major auto body repair. While it may sound like an inexpensive option to remove dents and dings from your vehicle, keep in mind that it cannot fix every dent. If it…
How to take care of your tires and the consequences of ignoring them
Tires are one of the easiest items to check and maintain on your vehicle. They do not even require you to open the hood; you simply need to pay attention when you walk around your vehicle. The only special tool required to check your tires is a tire gauge to check the pressure, which can…
How to Change the Fluids in Your Vehicle Part 2
Radiator and Cooling System Maintaining your car’s cooling system should be the second most important task next to the engine. Engines create friction and even the best motor oils cannot stop all the friction. Friction creates heat, which can break down the oil, making it less effective, leading to permanent damage to the motor. This…
How to Change the Fluids in Your Vehicle
Fluids levels are as important to your car as they are to you. If your fluid levels are not where they are supposed to be, you do not work well, and neither does your car. Most of the fluids in your car are easy to check and change if needed. Low fluids can also be…
Ford Technical Information
2015 Ford F150 Details Form Ford Body Shop Program With Aluminum Specs 2005 – 2014 Mustang Sectioning Guidelines
Irwindale Speedway
Irwindale Speedway
Alhambra Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram
Alhambra Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram