How to Protect Yourself from Sun Glare While Driving

Sun glare is particularly problematic when driving through the sunnier seasons of the year. But sun glare can be problematic anytime the sun is out, particularly during the mid-mornings and afternoons.

When left unchecked, sun glare can disrupt vision, which is always dangerous for those of us behind the wheel. But here are some handy tips for protecting yourself against the glare of the sun while on the road.

Wear sunglasses

Sunglasses aren’t simply for the fashion forward. They’re also the most common way of protecting your eyes from the rays of the sun. Having a pair of sunglasses is always handy for making sure the sunlight stays out of your eyes. But don’t just settle on any cheap pair. Look for polarizing lenses and UV protection coats to make sure you’re getting the proper protection.

Use your sun visor

While most people simply rely on sunglasses, it’s still recommended that driver’s use their car’s sun visor. It’s the overhead flap on top of the driver’s seat and (sometimes) the passenger’s seat. It’s designed specifically to shield your eyes from glare and can be adjusted to match your viewing angle. Don’t use your hands to shield your eyes, especially since you need to keep your hands on the wheel at all times.

Don’t look directly at the sun

While this tip may sound fairly obvious, many drivers still have the tendency to look at the sun, sometimes unintentionally. This happens when the driver is trying to pinpoint where the sun is relatively to their car. But looking at the sun directly, even for a second or two, can be damaging to your eyes, even during the late afternoon or early morning. If you need to spot the sun’s location, simply use your peripheral vision or deduce its location based on the shadows on the ground.

Don’t point the AC at your eyes

Dry eyes are more susceptible to irritation and can cause unwanted reflex watering, especially for drivers who rely on contact lenses. This is problematic because dry eyes are more sensitive to light. One way to prevent eye dryness is to make sure your air conditioner is not pointed directly at your eyes. You can leave the thermostat at your desired level but have the vents pointed elsewhere.

Have your eyes checked

It’s important to have your eyes checked on a regular basis, not only as a matter of health, but as a matter of safety. Some eyes are more sensitive to light than others, and conditions like cataract can make eyes particularly problematic when it comes to sun glare. Having regular eye check-ups can curb potential sight problems before they get out of hand.

Don’t clean your dashboard with reflective sprays or wipes

Glare can be problematic even when it isn’t coming from the sun. Avoid using reflective cleaning solutions for your dashboard. The sun can bounce off its reflective surface and cause glare right from your car’s interior. Instead, use a cleaning solution that leaves you with a safer, matte finish.

Tint your windshield

There is a good reason why windshields aren’t fully tinted like windows, but there are some merits to tinting the top portion of your windshield. A tinted top windshield is designed specifically to protect against sun glare, and unlike sunglasses or the sun visor, it need not be put on or wedged into place.